How to make money from a blog?


You want to make money online, right?  Okay, well So there are a lot of ways to make money online but… but… but blogging is the number one way to make money online. who am I to tell you that blogging is no 1 way to make money online.


Don’t believe me just look at stats given by Forbes, and other platforms just click on the following links and see the power of blogging.

well, that was the stats of the blogging industry to tell you that the blogging industry is rising and you have a chance to enter it and make your life financially free.

Now it’s time to explore how bloggers make money from their blogs and how many ways to make money from a blog.

 How bloggers make money?

There are multiple ways a blogger earns income from his/her blog but here we give the 6 most common and best ways a blogger generates a good amount of money.

1: Affiliate marketing

2:Google Adsense

3: Write sponsored posts

4:Offer consulting services

5: Freelance writing

6:Offer online courses

1: Affiliate Marketing   



 Pat Flynn earns $145,000 per month by affiliate marketing

 First, let’s understand what affiliate marketing is? Well, it’s a very simple concept, An affiliate ( you as a blogger) who promotes the products and services of a company such as,,, and so on using special Links on your blog as a source of traffic.

When your blog reader clicks on that special link that you have given on your blog and purchases any product or service you will be paid a commission by that company.

2: Make money from Google Adsense


Well, first let me tell you what Google Adsense is? and then I will explain how you can make money from it?

Okay, Google Adsense is the program of google in which google take the ads from different companies to promote the products and services of those companies and charge for that from those companies.

Okay, that is the way from which google earns but how I as an individual can earn money from Google?

That is the real question you want to know the answer, well as a publisher of your blog give permission to Google to promote those ads which google takes from different companies on your blog when readers of your blog click on those ads you will be paid by google that’s the simple way you can make money from Google Adsense I hope you got it. 

3: Make money from sponsored posts

Mostly a blogger writes a blog post related to his/her niche and Google Adsense give him/her a little chunk of money on that post but here is another best and for a good way to make a good amount of money you can make even $100-$500 from a single blog post.


 Yes, that’s true,

And that is sponsored post OR sponsored review that companies want to promote their brands through your blog okay let’s understand what sponsored post is? A sponsored post is in which you write reviews about a product or service of a company and that company pays you for that advertisement.

Here is some platform from where you can get sponsored brands.

NOTE: Make sure that sponsored blog posts should be related to your niche Why? Because your readers come to you just for that you add value to their lives, not for another reason and if the product or service you are going to talk about is not adding value to their lives definitely it will not be good for your blog

4: Make money by offering consulting service


“Consultancy service means to teach others what you know and make money from it”

There is a need in every niche for consultants to help other bloggers to be good at blogging, well if someone wants your consultancy service you must charge a fee for it,


 I don’t say that you should be greedy but it’s common in the field of blogging most bloggers charge a fee for their service and that’s also your right to make money from it.

Well, first you must be an expert in your niche then a lot of your readers and companies will hire your consultancy service and you can make a handsome income from it.

 5:Freelance writing

If you are new in the field of blogging and you are looking for a way to make money fast and easily from blogging then freelance writing is for you not for others.


 Okay now come to the point of what freelance writing is? and how you can do it to make money fastly?

Well, freelance writing is when someone needs an article related to anything but that person doesn’t have the skill to write that article then he/she hire someone and give money to someone who knows how to write articles.


 Well, as a blogger you have the skill to write good content.

Okay, it sounds good but here a question is that from where you can find such jobs to sell your skill?


 The answer is there are many platforms where you can find such jobs,

 these platforms are called “freelance market platforms”. 


Here are the top and best freelance market platforms.


In the industrial era economies of the world were entirely dependent on natural oil but in this digital era data is the oil, Is it true? 


Yes, this is the reality of modern times.


 to make my above statement true I am giving here the annual income of data sharing companies of the world.

Well, why I am sharing this information with you? and what is the relation of this data with the online course I just want to tell you that you can also make a handsome income by sharing your knowledge with others.

I don’t say that you can make money as much as Google, Microsoft, and Facebook but it is possible for you that you can be financially strong by sharing your knowledge by creating and selling videos or Ebooks on platforms like Udemy, Instamojo, and so on.

Last Words:

In the last words, I just say that, if you are really serious about making your life financially free then all the above ways are the best and easiest to make it possible. But there are two things which are very essential that you must have  1st is burning desire to achieve it and 2nd is patience till success.

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